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PMRule Class
Represents a rule that can be applied to one or more objects. Rules are a combination of restriction criteria with a single action. Rule is implemented as a Restrictable object, as one or more restrictions are applied to it.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PM90SettingsAPI.Restrictions
Assembly: PM90SettingsAPI (in PM90SettingsAPI.dll) Version: (
public class PMRule : PMRestrictable

The PMRule type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateRule
Creates a new empty rule. Before a rule can be saved it must have one or more restriction criteria set
Public methodStatic memberGetRules
Retrieves all available rules
Protected methodRefreshRestrictions
Refreshes restriction list applied to this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public methodSave
Saves the rule and all restrictions and criteria. Rule must be saved before it can be applied to any objects
Public propertyAction
Get or set the current action for this rule
Public propertyAppliedLogic
Logic as to how rule criteria will be applied
Public propertyBlackAndWhiteRestriction
The current black and white restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyColorRestriction
The current Color restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyCopiesRestriction
The current Copies restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyDatabaseID
The rules unique database identifier
(Overrides PMRestrictableDatabaseID.)
Public propertyDayTimeRestriction
The current DayTime restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyDuplexRestriction
The current Duplex restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyDuplicateRestriction
The current Duplicate restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyIsSaved
The rule's save status. True when rule is in database, false when it has not yet been saved
Public propertyJobCostRestriction
The current Page Costrestriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyJobSizeRestriction
The current Job Size restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyPageCountRestriction
The current Page Count restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyPageSizeRestriction
The current PageSize restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyRestrictions
Full list of all generic restrictions.
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
Public propertyRuleName
Friendly name of rule (User set)
Public propertyTitleRestriction
The current Title restriction on this object
(Inherited from PMRestrictable.)
See Also