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PMGroupOUBalance Methods

The PMGroupOUBalance type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddOneTimeUpdate
Creates a new one time occuring balance update
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodAddRecurringUpdate
Creates a new recurring balance change
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodIncrementBalance(NullableDouble, NullableInt32)
Increases the current balance amount. The UsePages value will determine whether currency or pages value is used.
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodIncrementBalance(Boolean, NullableDouble, NullableInt32)
Increases the current balance amount. The UsePages value will determine whether currency or pages value is used.
Public methodSetBalance(NullableDouble, NullableInt32)
Sets the current balance amount. The UsePages value will determine whether currency or pages value is used.
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodSetBalance(Boolean, NullableDouble, NullableInt32)
Sets the current balance amount. The UsePages value will determine whether currency or pages value is used.
Public methodSetGlobalBalanceName
Updates this balances name globally
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodSetGlobalNegativeBalance
Updates this balances negative balance option
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodSetGlobalOutOfBalanceAction
Specifies the action to be taken when this job is out of balance
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodSetUnlimited(Boolean)
Sets the balance Unlimited or not
(Inherited from PMBalance.)
Public methodSetUnlimited(Boolean, Boolean)
Sets the balance Unlimited or not, and apply to current members.
See Also